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We know that patient education is crucial to whole person wellness. So, before and after the treatment whether its surgery or any other related diseased condition, we are always ready at your service with valuable consultation and education for the best results and the piece of mind.

Pre-operative education

Many research have shown that patients who are mentally prepared and relaxed before surgery have a higher rate of success and faster healing.Patients who are well explained about the disease have shown to overcome the diseased condition faster than those who are unaware of it. In our institute, we actively prepare for surgery by talking with our patients, surgical team and other medical related issues and make arrangements for care during the healing process.


Post Operative Education

Our medical staff will guide the patients through the entire healing process and will provide with specific directions for personal care after the treatment/surgery.

We don’t hesitate to show the right pathway for the better health of our precious patients.


If you have any questions relating to your health, you can call our 24 hrs available

hotline number: +9779849486936

Information on various illnesses

Annapurna Neurological Institue and Allied Sciences

Maitighar Mandala, Kathmandu, Nepal


977-1-4256656, 4256568

Hotline: 9801203351, 9801203361

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